
007大破天幕杀机pps 电影精讲:《007大破天幕杀机》(双语)

2015年9月7日 12:30:10   阅读(211)





数月前军情六处一块记载了潜伏于全世界恐怖组织内部所有特工名单信息的硬盘丢失,而追索硬盘的行动也以失败告终。在此之后,行动主要负责人M(朱迪·丹奇 Judi Dench 饰)被高层解雇,而军情六处也遭到惨烈的袭击,伤亡惨重。为了查到幕后真凶,M召来佯死的传奇特工詹姆士·邦德(丹尼尔·克雷格 Daniel Craig 饰)。经过一轮严苛的特训和测试,邦德重新服役。在伊芙(娜奥米·哈里斯 Naomie Harris 饰)和新搭档Q(本·卫肖 Ben Whishaw 饰)的协助下,邦德追寻着某前CIA特工的踪迹来到繁华大都会上海。



I think you lost your nerve。


We're both played out。


Maybe it was her way of telling you to take a desk job。


Mummy was very bad。


I made a judgment call。


All pretty shocking for someone unused to fieldwork。


Always got to make an entrance。


One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate。


I suppose some of it sunk in, despite my best intentions。


The inevitability of time, don't you think?


Who doesn't like to take chances?


Please return the equipment in one piece。



Age is no guarantee of efficiency。

Regret is unprofessional。

Life clung to me like a disease。

I'm frightened because our enemies are no longer known to us. They do not exist on a map. They’re not nations. They are individuals. Look around you. Who do you fear? Can you see a face? A uniform? A flag? No. Our world is not more transparent now. It’s more opaque. It’s in the shadows. That’s where we must do battle。


Severine: Now you can afford to buy me a drink。

Bond: Maybe I'll even stretch to two. I'm guessing I've got four million euros in here。

Severine: Not bad. I like this game。

Bond: Why don't we play another?

Severine: I don't gamble. I'm not very lucky。

Bond: A little like our friend in Shanghai。

Severine: I’ve been waiting to see who would redeem the chip.You made such a bold entrance into our little drama。

Bond: Did I over-complicate the plot?

Severine: Who doesn't appreciate the occasional twist, Mr...?

Bond: Bond. James Bond。

Severine: Severine. So, Mr. Bond, shall we discuss your next performance over that drink?

Bond: I’d like that. Will your friends be joining us?

Severine: That, I'm afraid, is inevitable。

Eve: She’s pretty。

Bond: Now, now。

Eve: If you like that sort of thing。

Bond: I’ll keep you posted。

James: Perfect。

Severine: Would you mind if I asked you a business question?

James: Depends on the question。

Severine: It has to do with death。

James: A subject in which you're well-versed。

Severine: And how would you know that?

James: Only a certain kind of woman wears a backless dress with a Beretta 70 strapped to her thigh。

Severine: One can never be too careful when handsome men in tuxedos carry Walthers. I am correct in assuming you killed Patrice?

James: Yes。

Severine: Might I ask why?

James: I want to meet your employer。

Severine: Be careful what you wish for。

James: You're scared。

Severine: Thank you for the drink, Mr. Bond。

James: You put on a good show. But ever since we sat down, you haven't stopped looking at your bodyguards. Three of them are a bit excessive. They're controlling you. They're not protecting you. The tattoo on your wrist is Macau sex trade. You belonged to one of the houses. What were you? 12? 13? I'm guessing he was your way out. Perhaps you thought you were in love. But that was a long time ago。

Severine: You know nothing about it。

James: I know when a woman is afraid and pretending not to be。

Severine: How much do you know about fear?

James: All there is。

Severine: Not like this. Not like him。

James: I can help you。

Severine: I don't think so。

James: Let me try。

Severine: How?

James: Bring me to him。

Severine: Can you kill him?

James: Yes。

Severine: Will you?

James: Someone usually dies. Perhaps you can。

Severine: When I leave, they're going to kill you. If you survive, I'm on the Chimera. North harbor, Berth seven. We cast off in an hour. Very nice to have met you, Mr. Bond. Good luck。


007大破天幕杀机西瓜影音 007之大破天幕杀机

↑图:007大破天幕杀机西瓜影音 007之大破天幕杀机



007大破天幕杀机西瓜影音 007之大破天幕杀机

↑图:007大破天幕杀机西瓜影音 007之大破天幕杀机









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